Mar 12, 2025
Special Education, M.A.
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Program of Study
The Master of Arts in Special Education and Credential Option is specifically designed for teachers who hold a valid basic teaching credential who are seeking both a master’s degree and a career path in special education by adding on the Mild/Moderate and the Moderate/Severe Preliminary Education Specialist Credential(s). The Preliminary Mild/Moderate Education Specialist Credential authorizes instruction of students with a primary disability of Autism Spectrum Disorder, Emotional Disturbance, Mild/Moderate Intellectual Disability, Other Health Impairment or Specific Learning Disability. The Preliminary Moderate/Severe Education Specialist Credential authorizes instruction of students with a primary disability of Autism Spectrum Disorder, Deaf-Blindness, Emotional Disturbance, Moderate/Severe Intellectual Disability, or Multiple Disabilities. Both credentials authorize instruction of English learners. Program Student Learning Outcomes
- Professional Dispositions: Demonstrate positive professional dispositions and ethics inclusive of social justice and equity, collaboration, critical thinking, professional ethics, reflective teaching and learning, and life-long learning.
- Culturally Proficient Inclusive Schooling: Develop an action plan for creating and sustaining a culturally proficient inclusive schooling environment.
- Assessment and Program Planning: Conduct and analyze formal and/or informal assessment data to develop assessment reports and Individual Education Program goals based upon individual students’ assessed needs.
- Research Analysis: Analyze and integrate research in educational and professional settings.
Requirements for Admission
- Graduate application for California State University San Marcos
- School of Education Supplemental Application
- CSUSM Graduate Application
- Verification of valid basic credential issued by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing
- Verification of subject matter competency
- Three letters of recommendation
- A statement of purpose
- Tuberculin Assessment
- Two sets of official transcripts
- Interview and Writing Sample
Subject matter competency and individual requirements for out-of-state trained teachers may be required. Contact the CEHHS, Student Services Office for details, (760) 750-4277. Program Overview
Pre/Co-requisite (if equivalency has not been determined) Completion of SB 2042 program Or EDT 630 or EDUC 422 (3 units) Special Education Core Courses (21 units can be applied toward the M.A. in Special Education) Mild/Moderate Education Specialist Credential Coursework Master of Arts in Special Education Core Required Courses: (25 units)
Select a MA + Credential(s) Pathways:
Pathway 1: Master of Arts in Special Education and Mild/Moderate Credential (Traditional Clinical Practice) 9 units
CORE + Pathway 1 = 34 units
Pathway 2: Master of Arts in Special Education and Mild/Moderate Credential (Full Year Internship) 18 units
Pathway 3: Master of Arts in Special Education and Mild/Moderate Credential (Semester Internship) 9 units
CORE + Pathway 3 = 34 units
Pathway 4: Master of Arts in Special Education and Mild/Moderate and Moderate/Severe Credentials 19 units
CORE + Pathway 4 = 44 units
Pathway 5: Master of Arts in Special Education and Moderate/Severe Credential (for those who hold Mild/Moderate) 10 units
CORE + Pathway 5 = 35 units
Pathway 6: Master of Arts in Special Education and Moderate/Severe Credential Full Year Internship (For those who hold Mild/Moderate) 16 units
CORE + Pathway 6 = 41 units
Pathway 7: Master of Arts in Special Education and Moderate/Severe Credential Semester Internship (For those who hold Mild/Moderate) 10 units
CORE + Pathway 7 = 35 units
Note: The culminating experience may be a thesis or a project.Completion Requirements
The following completion activities apply to all Master of Arts in Special Education students: - Successful completion of the core courses with a minimum 3.0 GPA
- Advancement to candidacy
- Completion of a culminating experience under the direction of a faculty committee
- Continual enrollment in EDUC 698 until successful completion of the culminating experience
- Up to nine (9) units of graduate-level coursework from another approved Special Education program may be accepted and transferred into the CSUSM program with faculty approval.
All coursework will earn a letter grade, except field studies, which will earn credit/no credit. A grade-point average of 3.0 must be maintained and any grade of less than a B- will be subject to review. Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement – Graduate Level (GWARGL)
Students need to fulfill the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement – Graduate Level before advancing to candidacy. |
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