2024-2025 Catalog
Mathematics, General Option, B.S.
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Program of Study
Mathematics offers to the undergraduate and graduate students a rich mix of pure and modern applied courses. Common to these offerings are the power, beauty, and utility of mathematical thought. Mathematics is a living, vital subject with a long, distinguished tradition. A student who selects the mathematics major will develop the ability to explore, conjecture, and reason logically, as well as the ability to effectively use a variety of mathematical methods to solve problems. Career Opportunities
Opportunities for graduates in mathematics are as diverse as they are plentiful. Mathematicians are sought by universities, governmental agencies, and private industries, and they contribute in direct and fundamental ways to human activity. Medical schools, law schools, graduate schools, and employers in fields such as economics, accounting, management sciences, mathematics, natural sciences, social sciences, computer science, statistics, and communication seek graduates in mathematics. Mathematics majors can pursue a career in the teaching of mathematics at the college, high school, or middle school levels, though students planning a teaching career at the 8-12 level are recommended to take the Education Option .The degree program at Cal State San Marcos prepares its mathematics majors to meet any of these challenges. Program Student Learning Outcomes
Students who graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics will be able to: - Apply the core concepts of algebra and analysis.
- Explain mathematical ideas, written and verbally, in a clear and organized way.
- Develop and write mathematical proofs.
- Apply mathematical algorithms and use appropriate technology for the solution of mathematical problems and analysis of real world models.
- Recognize the interdependency of different areas of mathematics, as well as connections between mathematics and other disciplines.
High school students are encouraged to take four years of English, four years of mathematics, including trigonometry, one year of biological science, and one year of physical science. Courses in calculus, physics, and computer programming are recommended. Experience in clear, concise, careful writing is valuable for success in all courses. Transfer Credits
A maximum of sixteen (16) lower-division units in mathematics may be applied toward the lower-division calculus requirement for the mathematics major. These units must be for courses that appropriately match the descriptions for MATH 160 , MATH 162 , MATH 260 , and MATH 264 . Lower-division coursework may be transferred toward the non-mathematics supporting course requirement provided it is for courses that appropriately match the descriptions in this catalog for the CSUSM courses listed as satisfying this requirement. The Office of Admissions should be consulted to ascertain the campus’ articulation agreements with the local community colleges. Special Conditions for the Bachelor of Science and Minor in Mathematics
All courses counted toward the major, including Preparation for the Major courses, and the minor must be completed with a grade of C (2.0) or better. No more than a total of three (3) units of either MATH 498 or MATH 499 may be applied. No more than three (3) units of MATH 495 may be applied. For the major, a minimum of twenty-one (21) upper-division units in mathematics must be completed at Cal State San Marcos. For the minor, a minimum of nine (9) upper-division units in mathematics must be completed at Cal State San Marcos. Mathematics General Option
This option is for students seeking a broad training in the traditional areas of mathematics. This option is recommended for students wishing to enter a mathematics graduate program, or who want to have a more flexible mathematics background. Core Courses for the Major (33 Units)
Lower-Division Calculus Requirement (13 Units)
Non-Mathematics Supporting Course Requirements (8 Units)
Mathematics Core Courses (12 Units)
Mathematics General Option Requirements (28-29 Units)
Choose One of the Following (4-5 Units):
Upper-Division Option Requirements (12 Units)
Twelve (12) Elective Units Chosen from the Following: (12 Units)
Minimum Total (120 Units)
Students must take a sufficient number of elective units to bring the total number of units to a minimum of 120 |
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