Feb 17, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Single-Subject Credential Program/English Learner Authorization with Option for Preliminary Mild/Moderate Education Specialist Credential

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Program of Study

The Single-Subject Credential Program is offered as a day and evening program and may include weekends. The subject areas available are: English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Spanish, and Physical Education. A Concurrent Single-Subject and Preliminary Mild/Moderate Education Specialist Option is also available.

Single-subject (high school) teacher education candidates enroll in a program designed to prepare them to teach students in grades 7-12. Upon completion of the program, candidates receive a Preliminary Single-Subject Credential. Those who complete the concurrent option also receive the Preliminary Mild/Moderate Education Specialist Instruction Credential that also authorizes instruction to students in grades K through 12 and adults with a primary disability of Autism Spectrum Disorder, Emotional Disturbance, Mild/Moderate Intellectual Disability, other health impairment (e.g., Attention Deficit Disorder), or specific learning disability.

In the day program two-semester curriculum, candidates take courses in teaching and learning in high schools, discipline and interdisciplinary specific methods, and multilingual/multicultural education. The evening program is designed for individuals who work during the day and take evening and weekend coursework with the exception of student teaching. Coursework is taught by a team of instructors with class sessions and assignments geared to the particular needs of high school teachers and learners. The teaching team includes faculty from both the College of Education, Health and Human Services and College of Humanities, Arts, Behavioral and Social Sciences and is assisted by educators from North County high schools who share expertise and experiences and model exemplary high school practices.

North County public secondary schools serve as sites for single-subject field experiences. Supervision of single subject clinical practice is a shared responsibility of a university faculty advisor and an on-site liaison (a full-time teacher at the school site). Two different opportunities at different school sites constitute the field experience. Within these experiences there are opportunities to practice teaching in a variety of subjects to diverse student populations with varying ability levels. During clinical practice, candidates are encouraged to participate in school faculty activities outside of the classroom in order to gain experience and expertise in the organizational and decision-making characteristics of a high school culture.

An important aspect of the program is the acquisition of the authorization to teach English learners in order to better serve the needs of students from diverse language and cultural backgrounds. Requirements are met through the infusion of content and experience through specific courses and during clinical practice experiences.

The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing has adopted Subject Matter Authorizations as an alternative method to obtain an additional subject area authorization. It is recommended that candidates obtain additional authorizations.

Please attend a Supplementary Authorization and Subject Matter Authorization Workshop as indicated on the School of Education webpage.


Admission requirements for the Single- Subject (Secondary) Credential Program and Preliminary Mild/Moderate Education Specialist Option are the same as the Multiple-Subject admission requirements.

Subject Matter Competency: Teacher education candidates in California are required to demonstrate competence in the subject matter they will be authorized to teach. Subject matter competency must be completed before beginning the program.

Information, test preparation, and registration are available online at the California Educator Credentialing Assessments website.

Candidate Learning Outcomes and TPA and TPE Assessment

Candidate learning outcomes are defined by SB 2042 as Teaching Performance Expectations. The CSUSM School of Education identifies additional TPEs beyond the state required TPEs in explicitly addressed concepts stated in the SOE Mission Statement. See details regarding TPEs in the single subject and special education clinical practice handbooks at the SOE website, www.csusm.edu/SOE. Candidate must be successful in meeting Single-Subject and Education Specialist Teaching Performance Expectations to progress in clinical practice and to be recommended for a credential.

Beginning July 1, 2008, all candidates entering programs that result in the issuance of a Multiple- or Single-Subject Credential must pass all Teaching Performance Assessment (TPA) assessments before an online recommendation for the credential can be submitted to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) by the CEHHS, Student Services Office.

Beginning January 1, 2011, all candidates entering programs that result in the issuance of a Preliminary Education Specialist Instruction Credential must demonstrate satisfactory performance through coursework and verified clinical practice on the full range of Preliminary Education Specialist Teaching Performance Expectations and develop a written Individualized Transition Development Plan for use in the candidate’s Clear Credential Program.

Clear Credential Requirements

Successful completion of the Single-Subject program results in issuance of a 5-year Preliminary Single-Subject Credential. Completion of an induction or clear credential program to qualify for a Clear Single-Subject Credential. CSUSM does not offer a clear credential at this time. Those who earn the 5-year Preliminary Mild/Moderate Education Specialist Instruction Credential also must complete an induction program is required to qualify for the Clear Education Specialist Instruction Credential. An essential clearing requirement is the development of a written Individualized Induction Plan (IIP) of supported induction and job related advanced professional preparation approved and signed by the clear credential candidate, an employer designee, and a CCTC-approved clear credential program sponsor (e.g., district BTSA program, University, County Office of Education). See the CCTC web site for currently approved clear credential sponsors. The IIP for employed Education Specialists must be written to clear all general and special education preliminary credentials held, may include up to 12 semester units of university coursework, and must be developed within 60 days of employment. Preliminary Education Specialist credential holders not employed in a school setting may complete the Education Specialist clear credential requirements if the parties signing the IIP agree to a setting and professional development activities that allow demonstration of effective teaching to clear all preliminary credentials held.

The following is required to be recommended for the credential:

  1. Certificate of Clearance.
  2. Bachelor’s Degree.
  3. U.S. Constitution requirement.
  4. Basic Skills requirement.
  5. CSET or subject matter competence.
  6. Successful completion of Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs) and Teaching Performance Assessments (TPAs).
  7. Tuberculin Clearance.
  8. Professional Education Coursework.
  9. Grades: Credit/No Credit (CR/NC) is given for student teaching/intern teaching. The minimum acceptable final grade for the courses in the professional education sequence is C+ (2.3), but a B (3.0) average must be maintained.
  10. Current infant, child, and adult CPR certification.
  11. RICA Exam (Multiple-Subject and Education Specialist only).
  12. Health Education course.
  13. Finishing application submitted to Education Services Center during final semester.

Single-Subject Credential

Concurrent Single-Subject and Mild/Moderate Education Specialist Credential

Total (18 Units)

Total (3-4 Units)

Total (20 Units)

Concurrent Single-Subject and Education Specialist Candidates Clinical Practice

Total (15 Units)


Candidates in the Concurrent Single-Subject and Education Specialist Option meet with Single-Subject and Education Specialist program coordinators on a regular basis for course sequence and clinical practice advisement and scheduling.

Total (56-57 Units)

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