Program of Study
The cultural diversity both within and outside of the United States and its implications, the global interdependencies of nations and media systems, and potentialities for conflict demand individuals who can communicate effectively across cultural and national boundaries. The Minor in Critical Intercultural Communication emphasizes the dialectical relationships among communication, culture, context, and power. Students will take courses emphasizing theories of cultural and intercultural communication, methodologies appropriate to the study of communicative styles within, between, and among cultural groups and their effect on relations among groups, intercultural conflict negotiation, and the role that intercultural communication plays in the development of public policy, in mediated systems, and in social and political discourse.
Restrictions in the Minor
Communication Majors, Mass Media Majors, and Social Sciences Majors with the primary field of Communication may apply only COMM 330 and one other upper-division course (3 units) to both the Minor and the Major. All courses applied to the minor must be completed with a grade of C (2.0) or better. Up to six units of credit in COMM 495 and/or COMM 499A , COMM 499B , COMM 499C may be applied toward the minor.