Mar 12, 2025  
2020-2021 Catalog 
2020-2021 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

School of Education

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To serve the educational needs of local, regional, and global communities, the School of Education advances innovative practice and leadership by generating, embracing, and promoting equitable and creative solutions.


The mission of the School of Education community is to collaboratively transform education.


Create community through partnerships
Promote and foster social justice and educational equity
Advance innovative, student-centered practices
Inspire reflective teaching and learning
Conduct purposeful research
Serve the School, College, University, and Community


University Hall, Fourth Floor


(760) 750-4300


Patricia Stall, Ph.D.

Associate Directors:

Annette Daoud, Ph.D.
Anne Rene Elsbree, Ph.D.

Student Services Director:

Shannon Cody (760) 750-4277

Credential Analysts:

Andi Shibata (760) 750-4292

Tyona Pacheco 

Graduate Student Services Coordinator:

Phuong Nam Nguyen (760) 750-8544

Credential Student Services Coordinator

Andi Shibata (760) 750-4292

Assessment Coordinator:

Kyle Landin (760) 750-4277

TPA Coordinator:

Karen Escalante (760) 750-4300


Rebecca Brooks, Ph.D.

Rong-Ji Chen, Ph.D.

Erika Daniels, Ed.D.

M. Garrett Delavan, Ph.D

Annette Daoud, Ph.D.

Anne René Elsbree, Ph.D.

Ingrid Flores, Ed.D.

Elizabeth Garza, Ed.D.

Ana Hernandez, Ed.D.

Joni Kolman, Ph.D

Anthony Matranga, Ph.D.

Grace Park McField, Ph.D.

Moses K. Ochanji, Ph.D.

Janet L. Powell, Ed.D.

Patricia Prado-Olmos, Ph.D.

Jodi Robledo, Ph.D.

Sinem Siyahhan, Ph.D.

Brooke Soles, Ed.D.

Patricia H. Stall, Ph.D.

Laurie P. Stowell, Ph.D.

Jacqueline S. Thousand, Ph.D.

Gilbert Valadez, Ed.D.

Carol Van Vooren, Ed.D.

Manuel Vargas, Ph.D.

Laura Wendling, Ph.D.

Christiane Wood, Ph.D.

Grade Requirements and Academic Probation

For all credential candidates in the Multiple-Subject, Integrated Credential Program, Special Education, Concurrent Special Education, BCLAD, Middle Level Certificate, and Single-Subject programs, the following grade requirements must be met:


All courses, except clinical practice, are graded A, B, C, D, F. Credit/No Credit (CR/NC) is given for clinical practice. The minimum acceptable final grade for the courses in the professional education sequence, including prerequisite courses, is C+ (2.3), but a B (3.0) average must be maintained.

For all School of Education programs, including teaching credential, specialist, and advanced credential, and the master’s programs, the following academic probation policy is in effect:

Academic Probation, Disqualification and Disenrollment

A credential candidate will be placed on academic probation if, during any academic term:

  1. The cumulative GPA in all coursework in the professional education sequence (prerequisites, credential program, or clear credential courses) falls below 3.0; or
  2. The credential candidate has been assigned grades of No Credit, Incomplete, or a letter grade below C+ in any two or more professional courses;
  3. Further, a credential candidate will not be allowed to enter the advanced clinical practice if the candidate is (1) on academic probation, or (2) has not successfully completed all professional coursework, or (3) has a grade of “incomplete” for beginning clinical practice, or (4) has not completed subject matter competency, or (5) has not been issued a Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) Certificate of Clearance, (6) does not provide TB clearance, (7) has not made successful progress in passing the Teaching Performance Assessment (TPA).


A candidate in a credential program may be disqualified for any of the following:

  • A Certificate of Clearance is not obtained.
  • Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs) are not met.
  • Candidate has not made satisfactory progress in passing the TPA.
  • During the academic probation period, the candidate fails to achieve a 3.0 GPA, and a minimum letter grade of C+ or better in all professional coursework.
  • Other Considerations. Post-baccalaureate candidates may repeat a course in which a grade of lower than C+ was received. Courses may be repeated only once.

Policy on Length of Time to Complete Teacher Credential Program

Due to the dynamic nature of changes in all academic disciplines, the School of Education requires candidates in full-time teacher credential programs to complete their coursework and clinical practice within a three-year time limit, commencing from the beginning of coursework in that program. There is a four-year time limit for candidates in part-time teacher credential programs, commencing at the beginning of coursework in that program. After reaching the time limit, candidates will be terminated from the program and will have to reapply to the program to be reinstated. Candidates may appeal to School of Education, Student Appeals Committee.


A candidate may be disenrolled from a credential program if it is determined that the candidate will not likely achieve minimum academic requirements for the credential.

Admission Requirements

Step One: Admission to School of Education (SOE).

Step one applies to graduate credential applicants new to CSUSM or CSUSM graduates that have NOT completed prerequisite courses.

  1. Submit a Graduate application for California State University San Marcos online at:
  2. Send official transcripts to Office of Admissions from each university and college attended.
  3. Submit an application to the School of Education at with the following supporting documentation:
    • An official transcript with bachelor’s degree posted.
    • Grade-Point Average. A student must have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.67 to be accepted into any credential program offered at CSUSM. If you do not have the required 2.67 GPA, conditional admission is available on a limited basis.
    • Certificate of Clearance. The Certificate of Clearance is a professional fitness requirement set by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing for all individuals participating in activities in K-12 schools. Candidates must apply for a valid Certificate of Clearance online. Please contact the CEHHS, Student Services Office for specific directions on application.
    • One Letter of Recommendation. A recommendation from classroom faculty and/or others knowledgeable about the candidate’s personal qualities and potential must be submitted with the application to the School of Education.

Step Two: Admission to a Specific Program.

Program admission applies to all graduate credential applicants seeking admission to a SOE basic teacher training program. Please note: If you did not need to complete step one, you will be required to complete all program admission requirements listed below. If you completed Step One of the admission process, you will be credited with requirements met in the step one process.

  1. Two (2) Applications. Application to both the University and School of Education. If admitted as a CSUSM graduate student in Step 1, admission to university does not need to be repeated in Step 2.
  2. Bachelor’s Degree. A Bachelor’s degree or all undergraduate academic subjects must be satisfied before entering a teacher education program. Candidates may enter the credential program as an undergraduate and use the units in the credential program as electives to obtain a bachelor’s degree. A bachelor’s degree is a requirement for teacher certification. A candidate may petition for 12 units concurrent postbaccalaureate credit the first week of instruction during the last semester before graduation ONLY. Petitions are available in the Office of Registration and Records. Please note: completion of a bachelor’s degree from CSU San Marcos requires submission of a graduate application to enroll in postbaccalaureate or graduate coursework.
  3. Basic Skills Options: CBEST (California Basic Skills Examination). For additional information concerning the basic skills requirement please ontact the CEHHS Student Services Office.
  4. Subject Matter Competency. Teacher candidates in California are required to demonstrate competence in the subject matter they will be authorized to teach. Subject matter competency must be completed prior to admission to the program. Please note: Conditional admission will be considered on a limited basis; however, state program standards prohibit advanced clinical practice until CSET is passed.

    Information, test preparation, and registration is available online at:
  5. Basic Skills Examination. Candidates must take one of the options for satisfying the Basic Skills Requirement prior to entering a teacher education program.
  6. Prerequisite Courses in Education. If taken at Cal State San Marcos, the courses must be completed within seven (7) years prior to beginning the program. If an equivalent course at another college or university has been taken, it must have been completed within five (5) years prior to beginning the program.
    1. EDUC 350  – This required course serves as an orientation to careers in education. During this course, candidates participate in forty-five (45) hours of supervised fieldwork assignments in classroom settings.
      Candidates must submit a recommendation letter from a K-12 classroom teacher. A Certificate of Clearance must be obtained as a requirement of this course.
    2. EDUC 364  – This required course must be taken prior to enrollment in the credential program.
    3. EDUC 422  – Before admission to program, candidates must have completed a basic computer course or passed an assessment. In addition, candidates must obtain competency in using a set of education specific electronic tools by completing EDUC 422  or portfolio.
  7. One Set of Official Transcripts. One official set of transcripts from each of the colleges or universities attended must be mailed directly to CSU San Marcos Office of Admissions. If admitted as a CSUSM graduate student in Step 1, an additional set of transcripts is not required in Step 2.
  8. Grade-Point Average. A student must have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.67 to be accepted into any credential program offered at CSU San Marcos. If you do not have the required 2.67 GPA, conditional admission is available on a limited basis.
  9. Three Letters of Recommendation. Recommendations from classroom faculty and/or others knowledgeable about the candidate’s personal qualities and potential must be submitted with the program application. One recommendation must be from a K-12 classroom teacher. Go to for letter of recommendation guidelines.
  10. Personal Interview. Qualified candidates are interviewed by an education faculty committee. Candidates are notified by mail to make arrangements for the interview after the application deadline.
  11. Writing Samples. Writing samples are required and are program-specific.

Please note: The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing requires passing the Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA) before Multiple Subject or Special Education certification. Passing one of two components of RICA, either a comprehensive examination or a performance assessment, is a requirement for the initial issuance of a Multiple Subject or Special Education Credential. Candidates cannot take the RICA until they have successfully completed the language and literacy courses which are part of the credential program. The CSU San Marcos School of Education RICA pass rate is posted on the SOE web site.

Please Note: Beginning July 1, 2008, all candidates entering programs that result in the issuance of a Multiple- or Single- Subject Credential must pass the embedded Teaching Performance Assessment (TPA) before an online recommendation of the credential can be submitted to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing by the CEHHS, Student Services Office.

Successful completion of the program results in issuance of a Preliminary 5-year credential. New 2042 Standards require employment as a full-time teacher and completion of an induction program.

Statement of Concern and Performance Improvement Contract

According to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, candidates in professional programs must demonstrate competence in knowledge, skills, and attitudes/dispositions as outlined in the program standards. The Statement of Concern (SOC) procedure is designed to support candidate success by identifying issues early and providing a course of action.

Should a candidate perform unsatisfactorily in coursework or clinical practice field experiences by failing to meet one or more program standards by the end of the semester, she/he will receive a grade less than a C+ in a course or a “no credit” grade in clinical practice.

A Statement of Concern and Performance Improvement Contract is issued during coursework or clinical practice when informal means of coaching have not been successful. No more than two Statements of Concern and Performance Improvement Contracts will be issued to any single candidate in any program under any circumstances. If a candidate is determined to possibly warrant a third Statement of Concern and Performance Improvement Contract, in either coursework or clinical practice, a conference must be held with the Candidate, Course Instructor (if applicable), University Supervisor (if applicable), Clinical Practice Coordinator, Program Coordinator, and Associate Dean to determine an immediate and appropriate course of action, which may include immediate disqualification from the program.

A Statement of Concern and Performance Improvement Contract will immediately be issued when a Candidate:

  1. Endangers students or others;
  2. Violates recognized codes of conduct, e.g. CSUSM Student Code of Conduct, CSUSM Academic Honesty Policy NEA Code of Ethics, CA Education Code Section 44932;
  3. Is dismissed from the classroom or school site by the Cooperating Professional or district administrator.

Because of the variation in program standards and candidate performance, there is no one outcome for a Statement of Concern and Performance Improvement Contract. Rather, the outcome is individualized to address candidate needs, meet credential requirements, and maintain program integrity.

Further information about the SOC may be found in the Statement of Concerns Guidelines posted on the School of Education website.

Professional Licensure and Certification

For more information regarding professional licensure and certification, visit:

Prospective students  

Current students

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