MATH 350 - Foundations for Theoretical MathematicsUnits: 3 Bridge course between computation-driven mathematics and theoretical mathematics. Designed to familiarize the student with the language and process of rigorous mathematical thought, speech, and writings through the introduction of typical and important examples from algebra, analysis, combinatorics, and geometry. Covers elementary logic, methods of proof, mathematical induction, sets, relations, equivalence relations, functions, inverse functions, binary operations and cardinality. Mathematics majors are encouraged to take this course as early as possible. Enrollment Requirement(s): for graduate students MATH 160 with a grade of A- (3.7) or better, or MATH 162 with a grade of C (2.0) or better.
Prerequisite(s): for undergraduates MATH 160 with a grade of A- (3.7) or better, or MATH 162 with a grade of C (2.0) or better.
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