Feb 14, 2025
ABA 609 - Complex Processes for Behavior Change and Supervision in Applied Behavior AnalysisUnits: 3 Introduction to complex processes and behavior change issues underlying the science of behavior. Focuses on strategies for building complex repertoires using stimulus control and behavior chains explaining increasing, decreasing and arranging and using environmental variables to change dimensions of behavioral to develop new behavioral repertoires. Areas covered: verbal behavior, self-management, token economies, use of group contingencies, contingency contracting, and generalization and maintenance of behavior change. Training and professional certification in ABA and research on behavior skills training (BST) are covered. Enrollment Restrictions: Enrollment restricted to students in the Applied Behavior Analysis Certificate of Advanced Study: BCBA Track or BCaBA Track.
Prerequisite(s): ABA 608 with a minimum grade of C (2.0)
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