Mar 29, 2025  
2016-2018 Catalog 
2016-2018 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Centers and Institutes

Research Centers

California Indian Culture and Sovereignty Center (CICSC)

Director: Joely Proudfit, Ph.D.
SBSB 1118
(760) 750-3535

Mission: The California Indian Cultural and Sovereignty Center will foster collaborative research and community service relationships between the faculty, staff, and students of CSU San Marcos and members of local Tribal communities, for the purpose of developing and conducting research projects which support the maintenance of sovereignty and culture within those communities.

The Center aims to focus on:


Conducting and supporting research and analysis of Tribally identified concerns and questions.


Providing a space for campus representatives and Tribal members to meet and discuss Native American graduates in the context of Tribal needs; finding and retaining the support of American Indian students, faculty and staff while creating a sense of togetherness and belonging among the Indian population both on and off campus.


Preparing CSUSM graduates who can serve Indian communities well by helping them support the multiple and complex needs of being sovereign nations.


Establishing new courses and academic programs to meet the changing needs of our students, Tribal communities and stakeholders; serving to amplify the existing academic program connections between CSUSM and Tribal communities through programs in CHABSS, SOE, COBA, Nursing and OBERT; fulfilling an ethical responsibility to local Tribal communities to provide a pathway to higher education for native students.


Helping CSUSM continue to recognize and set an example to other universities regarding the importance of cultivating relationships with local Tribal communities; sending a message to Tribes regarding CSUSM’s commitment to the creation and maintenance of such ties.

To learn more about CICSC development, research projects and activities, please contact (760) 750-3535.

Center ARTES (Art, Research, Teaching, Education, Schools)

Arts Building, Room 302
Telephone: (760) 750-4322
Director: Merryl Goldberg, Ed.D.

Center ARTES was established in 2003 to partner with local schools and communities to promote and support arts education. A primary philosophy underlying Center ARTES’ work is that the arts are a fundamental aspect of education. Through our long term partnerships with schools, districts, artists, and arts institutions, we connect educators with tools, resources, and personnel to seamlessly integrate the arts into their classrooms, exposing diverse student bodies to a rich, comprehensive arts education while improving student learning across the curriculum.

The major activities of Center ARTES are:

  • Professional development for teachers and student teachers, including our SUAVE and DREAM programs
  • Access to the arts for children and their families
  • Advocacy and strategic planning with school districts
  • Leadership and state-wide advocacy on important arts education issues

Professional Development for Teachers and Student Teachers

Center ARTES conducts hands-on arts education and arts integrated workshops with local arts and cultural institutions. In addition, we offer classroom residencies designed to train teachers how to implement arts education, both as core curriculum and as a vehicle for teaching other subjects. Partners include (but are not limited to):

San Diego County Office of Education
California Center for the Arts, Escondido
CSUSM Visual and Performing Arts Department
CSUSM faculty from School of Education and College of Business
CSUSM student arts clubs
Museum of Making Music
Playwrights Project
San Diego Guild of Puppetry
Old Globe Theater
North County Professional Development Federation
Rincon All Tribes Charter School
North County School Districts

Access to the Arts for Children and their Families

Working with our many partners, Center ARTES makes it possible for thousands of young people to experience the arts in schools and communities. Programs include:

  • Performances by arts organizations at CSUSM and other venues
  • In-class residencies by professional artists/arts educators
  • Performances in cooperation with arts partners at a minimum cost to children and their families
  • The ARTSmobile, bringing arts activities and outreach performances directly into schools
  • Performances by our Young Artist in Residence

Advocacy and Strategic Planning with School Districts

Center ARTES offers direction for strategic planning to school districts throughout San Diego County, helping schools develop long-range plans for bringing the arts back into their classrooms. Working with our partners, Center ARTES connects county school districts with artists and art programs to serve the needs of students at all grade levels. Center ARTES provides important information related to arts education, advocacy, and research to school districts, teachers, administrators, parents, and school boards.

Leadership and State-Wide Advocacy

Center ARTES convenes leaders in the arts, education, and business communities to advocate for the arts in schools. In partnership with the San Diego County Office of Education, we organize and host an annual Arts Education Summit, bringing together a broad constituency of arts educators along with state and national experts in the field. Center ARTES also participates in building and maintaining a network of engaged, informed, and connected arts education professionals throughout the county.

Center ARTES is supported through the generous donations of individuals and through memberships and grants. For information concerning membership, planned giving, and endowments please contact Center ARTES directly at (760) 750-4322.

Center for Leadership Innovation and Mentorship Building (CLIMB)

Markstein, 353
(760) 750-4234: (760) 750-4237
Executive Director: Dr. Rajnandini (Raj) Pillai
Area Director: Dr. Jeffrey C. Kohles

CLIMB was established in the College of Business in 2004 to foster the development of effective leaders at all levels - individual, team, organization, and community and to serve as a resource for leadership and mentoring to the university and the business community. This mission is achieved by promoting innovative leadership research and by offering educational programs and mentoring opportunities to current and aspiring leaders through some of the following programs and activities.

Speaker Series

The goal of this series is to bring practitioners and academic scholars to our campus to share their ideas on specific topics related to leadership. The series provides an opportunity for students, faculty, and the general public to come together to discuss and debate important leadership and mentoring issues.

In the Executive’s Chair

CLIMB hosts one of the most popular courses in the College of Business Administration. This course brings in top business leaders to talk about their careers, their companies, and the critical business decisions with which they are commonly faced. The primary purpose of this course is to expose students to these successful executives to better prepare them for their own business careers.

Outstanding Business Leader Awards

In an effort to recognize effective role models in the business community, each year one local business leader is presented with the Climb Outstanding Business Leader Award. The individual selected for this honor is someone who has demonstrated exceptional leadership within the context of his or her business. He or she is also someone who has championed important causes within the community.

CLIMB Executive Mentoring Program

A mentoring program that matches outstanding student protégés with experienced executives from the greater College of Business Administration (CoBA) business community to deliver a personalized mentoring experience during the culmination of the student’s undergraduate work and the beginning (or continuation) of their professional working careers. The mentoring relationship typically develops over the course of a single semester but often continues after the student has graduated. This program is now being administered by the College of Business Administration at a college-wide level.

The James R. Meindl Student Leadership Award

This award, which is also given out every year, is designed to honor a graduating senior from the College of Business Administration for demonstrating outstanding leadership/mentorship in school, at work, and in the community. The winner must exemplify the Center’s mission. The award is given in memory of Professor James R. Meindl of the State University of New York at Buffalo.

CLIMB Distinguished Fellows Program

This program provides students who show a great deal of promise and are interested in interning with the Center, an opportunity to work on leadership projects with the Executive Director and Directors under their guidance.

Leadership Development and Research

The Center has a dedicated group of business faculty and practitioners who conduct workshops on important workplace issues related to leadership and management. The Center also supports innovative research projects on leadership and mentoring.

National Latino Research Center (NLRC)

SBSB 2142
(760) 750-3500
Research Director: Arcela Nuñez-Alvarez, Ph.D.

Faculty Director: Bonnie Bade, Ph.D.

The mission of the NLRC is to promote research, training, and greater awareness on the unique needs and dynamics of Latino communities.

The NLRC organizational structure and activities are guided by the following major objectives:


  • To promote the awareness, expansion, and enhancement of culturally sensitive, culturally relevant, and scientifically focused research on Latino populations.


  • To offer training and specialized workshops, and to facilitate and organize conferences on substantive topics of critical importance to researchers, students, community organizations, and government agencies involved with Latino populations.


  • To serve as a repository for empirically based publications, databases, and reports pertaining to substantive issues for Latino populations.


  • Data collection, translation, focus groups, technical assistance, and our other services increase our understanding of this numerically significant population.

Data Collection

The National Latino Research Center provides culturally sensitive data collection services regarding diverse Latino and non-Latino populations throughout the United States.

Needs Assessment

We conduct state-of-the-art needs assessments which consider the social and cultural context of targeted populations, especially diverse Latino populations throughout the United States.

Program Evaluation

NLRC specializes in theory-driven program evaluations focused on programs serving Latino populations and tailored to fit diverse client needs.


Specialists conduct moderate to large studies using optional sampling strategies.

Technical Assistance and Data Analysis

Data analysis and interpretation of findings are two critical services the NLRC supplies. The NLRC can clarify research designs and offer options when results call for new approaches. Data analysis can range from simple descriptive analysis to multivariate analyses.

If you are interested in any of the Center’s services, please contact us at:

National Latino Research Center
Cal State San Marcos
San Marcos, CA 92096
Telephone: (760) 750-3500
Fax: (760) 750-3510
Web site:

W.M. Keck Foundation Center for Molecular Structure (CMolS)

Science Hall 1, 121
Director: Katherine Kantardjieff, Ph.D.

The W.M. Keck Foundation Center for Molecular Structure (CMoIS) is a full-service and comprehensive X-ray diffraction laboratory serving the 23-campuses of the California State University as a core facility of the California State University Program for Education and Research in Biotechnology. CMolS instruments, software and databases are dedicated to structure determination and analysis at or near the atomic level of detail. These resources are available in and outside of the Cal State system by remote Internet access.

CMolS also provides scientific user access to extremely bright X-rays through its long-standing research partnership with the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL). In addition, STEM outreach to primary and secondary classrooms in our region is enhanced by remote access to instruments at CMolS.

Groundbreaking for its time, CMolS remains one of only a handful of laboratories that enable remote access to scientific instruments, and which are located at predominantly undergraduate institutions.

Resource Center

Faculty Center

Director: Elisa Grant-Vallone, Ph.D.
Coordinator: Sonia M. Perez
Kellogg Library, 2400
(760) 750-4019

The Faculty Center provides faculty development services to all Cal State San Marcos faculty. The Faculty Center offers consultation, workshops, colloquia, and small grant opportunities that allow faculty to develop and improve their expertise as teachers, scholars, artists, intellectuals, and as members of the University and wider community. Programming is designed to serve the needs of faculty at any career stage and to encourage collegiality.

The Faculty Center offers programs and resources that promote effective teaching, successful scholarly and creative activity, and effective service and leadership activities. Faculty Center programs and resources support the University mission and serve the needs of our diverse faculty and students.

Faculty Center Goals

Effective Teaching:

  • To support the continuous development of excellent and innovative teaching and learning throughout the University.
  • To use Faculty Center meeting space, Library, staff support, and other resources to create a teaching and learning resource center tailored to faculty needs and responsibilities.
  • To provide faculty with workshops, colloquia, one-on-one consultation and/or video feedback that inspire active reflection and action to improve teaching and learning.
  • To create a dynamic forum for faculty to share and discuss teaching and learning through meetings, workshops, newsletters, and outreach.

Successful Research and Creative Activities:

  • To support faculty research and creative activity (both individual and collaborative) throughout the University.
  • To assist faculty in defining research and creative activity goals and agendas and help them seek funding, including sabbatical, university grants, and external grants.
  • To facilitate faculty networking with scholar and artists who share goals and interests at Cal State San Marcos and in the CSU.
  • To provide small grants, depending on budget resources.

Effective Service and Leadership Activities:

  • To support faculty service and leadership in the department, college, University, and the wider community.
  • To increase the volume and improve the quality of faculty service, which in turn supports faculty in the evaluation process, strengthens the university’s curriculum and programs, and fosters collegiality.
  • To provide workshops and consultations that focus on developing skills, plans, and reflection in the area of service.
  • To use rigorous discussion, collaboration, mentoring, and recognition to promote the goal that faculty make service and leadership a productive and fulfilling aspect of their professional work.