Through a comprehensive study of American history and the development of American Institutions and ideals, students will acquire knowledge and skills that will help them comprehend the workings of American democracy and the society in which they live. Students will engage in comprehensive study of American government including the historical development of American institutions and ideals, the Constitution of the United States and the operation of representative democratic government under that Constitution, and the processes of state and local government. The knowledge and skills they acquire will enable them to contribute to society as responsible and constructive citizens.
Fifteen (15) units of social sciences distributed as follows:
American Institutions and Ideals
(Dh): (HIST 130 or HIST 131 )
(Dc, Dg): AIS 150 , PSCI 100 *
*Students transferring from other accredited institutions who have completed a course on United States government and the Constitution of the United States may replace PSCI 100 with a course on California state and local government: PSCI 415 (Dg) or HIST 347 (Dg).
(Dg): GEOG 341 , HIST 347
The courses listed above satisfy this General Education requirement at the time the catalog was published. Check the Class Schedule for the most up-to-date list of courses satisfying this requirement.
D7 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
Students will be able to identify the methods of inquiry for more than one social science discipline, summarize how the social science disciplines examined in these courses are inextricably interwoven, and explain the usefulness of an interdisciplinary approach for studying social phenomena and issues. They will be able to describe historical and contemporary perspectives of social issues and problems, and acknowledge both western and non-western contributions to current social issues and problems. Students will be able to demonstrate how and why race, class, and gender are among the most important categories of social scientific analysis.
Select from among:
AIS 101
ANTH 200
BRS 100
ENVS 100
ETST 101
GBST 100
HD 101
LBST 100
LING 255
PSYC 210
SOC 105 , SOC 205
WMST 101
The courses listed above satisfy this General Education requirement at the time the catalog was published. Check the Class Schedule for the most up-to-date list of courses satisfying this requirement.
D Discipline-Specific or Second Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Course
Students will be able to identify the prevailing principles and methods of social science in at least one discipline, and explain the usefulness of a disciplinary or interdisciplinary perspective and field of knowledge for social issues and problems. They will be able to describe historical and contemporary perspectives of social issues and problems, and acknowledge both western and non-western contributions to current social issues and problems. Students will be able to demonstrate how and why race, class, and gender are among the most important categories of social scientific analysis.
Select from among:
AIS 101 , AIS 240 , AIS 290
ANTH 200 , ANTH 215
BRS 100
ECON 202
ENVS 100
ETST 101
GBST 100
GEOG 120 , GEOG 201 , GEOG 202
HD 101
HIST 130 , HIST 131
LBST 100
LING 121 , LING 255
PSCI 100
PSYC 100 , PSYC 210 , PSYC 215
SLP 251
SOC 101 , SOC 105 , SOC 205
WMST 101
The courses listed above satisfy this General Education requirement at the time the catalog was published. Check the Class Schedule for the most up-to-date list of courses satisfying this requirement.
Courses used to satisfy this requirement may not be double-counted in any other category of the GE program.
^ Certain transfer students may be required to take two courses from this category. Check the Notice to Transfer Students at the beginning of Area D.